Mixed Media Owl Collage

Super excited to share this adorable little fall art activity with you all! This week in our Preschool aged class, we have been making these adorable Mixed Media Owl Collages. I found inspiration for this project from two of my favorite blogs: Art Bar Blog and Small Hands Big Art. Both of these blogs have endless ideas and I always love to see what they do! I wanted to do a fall animal project with my classes, and when I saw these owls, I knew it was perfect! There are so many great owl picture books out there too, and I just love reading to my preschoolers before we begin our art projects!

Owl preschool mixed media art using collage materials and glitter glue

Owl preschool mixed media art using collage materials and glitter glue

We read our book, and talked about owls and their habits (sleeping during the day…). The kids were so excited after reading this silly story, that we headed over to the art table immediately! I had pre-cut the cardboard owl shapes (this electric cardboard cutter is a life saver!), and had a wide variety of collage materials for the kids to use! Colorful feathers, washi tape, fabric scraps, tissues paper, and glitter glue!


They had so much fun choosing their own supplies to use! Kids in this age group just love having autonomy over their own artistic choices; it’s an important developmental stage for them. They also LOVE the glitter glue!! When my students see this material out on the table, they just can’t help themselves! When we are creating, I don't give much instruction. Our studio focuses on the process of the art making experience; we are less concerned with the final product.

Although, the little artists in our studio always seem to produce such amazing art works!!! I am always blown away at the effortlessness that can go into their creating, so fun and carefree, but the results are so wonderful!

Proud artist with his owl!

Proud artist with his owl!